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1.236,40 €
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Essential Creche Paysanne – Atelier d’Art de Bethleem.
Hand-crafted Stone Pyrenean by the nuns of Atelier d’Art de Caux Bethlehem – France.
The sculptures are part of the series Paysanne.
Individuals are unique, stylized by the nuns. Each sister has developed a favorite subject in spiritual meditation. The dress is the dress of the subjects of the order, even the joy of the faces is the same faces of the nuns.
Handmade in the atelier, are valuable pieces to a valuable gift, both for the crib as well as a piece of furniture.
You can find also the following characters:
Holy family –Virgin Mary – Baby Jesus – Saint Joseph – Three Kings – Gasparre wise man – Melchiorre wise man – Baldassarre wise man – Ox – Donkey
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